Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It really has been a special few weeks for surfers living on the Emerald Isle!  Now I know I may be biased, but I reckon Ireland is right up there with some of the best waves in the World!! We have it all...beachies, reefs, slabs, big waves spots.  I write this update with seriously surfed out arms!

In the past I have been prone to being a bit of a 'home bird' when in Ireland, sticking to my local waves around Bundoran.  In recent weeks however, I took to my wee campervan ('Renee the Renault') and hit the road.  It was so much fun cruising around Clare, Sligo and Donegal, surfing new waves, meeting new people and catching up with old friends.  This exploration period finished in Easkey, County Sligo over the weekend, with a competition in SERIOUSLY pumping waves.  The Billabong Easkey Open was the last event of the 2010 Irish Championship Tour and I was soooooo happy to win the event and secure my 3rd Irish Ladies Title.  Then I had a pint of Guinness and then I slept for 2 days!!!

Here are some captioned photos of my recent adventures (click on any of them to enlarge).............

PERFECT CONDITIONS FOR A CONTEST!!!!! Easkey Left, Saturday October 2nd 2010

Chilling in the camper between heats and staying warm.

The Judging Unit at the Billabong Easkey Open 2010

Sometimes we take for granted our knowledge of the ocean.  Silly oblivious kid about to get soaked!!
From the top of Easkey Castle....Shauna getting excited to surf in the final in PUMPING surf with just 4 of us out!
Pretty rainbow in Easkey, Co. Sligo.

Ladies Finalists at the Billabong Easkey Open
L-R Tahlia Britton, Shauna Ward, Easkey Britton, Nicole Morgan 

With my mate Shauna after being crowned Irish Ladies Champion 2010...cheesy grin!


AILEENS, CO CLARE...check out the size of the little humans on the big rock below for some perspective!
This is the life!

Dawn Patrol on my solo camping road trip to Clare

Silly cow!


(the day I get home from exploration....nice!)
The Peak...starting to do her thing!
The Peak with Brendan McGloins' amazing sculpture work
View of 'Out Front' taken from my front deck.....starting to pick up swell! 

THE END.......

What a few weeks........CHEERS!!!